Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mango Salsa

When I visited California over the summer, my friend Adrian made the most delicious mango salsa that is one of his family’s secret recipes. It’s a “secret” because there is really no set amount of each ingredient that must be included – you just combine everything in a haphazard and magical way, adding lemon and salt to suit your personal taste. 

I tried to re-create this salsa on my own last weekend, and the results were very tasty (although admittedly not as tasty as Adrian’s version!). The mango I bought was ripe and delicious, although I never realized how difficult mangoes are to cut, as you cannot eat the hard “core” that runs through the middle. I didn’t have jalapeno on hand, but I think it would have added a nice extra kick, to balance out the sweet taste of the mango. 

1 ripe mango
1 large tomato
Red onion
Lemon or lime

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