Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fruit Flies Be Gone!

I don’t know about you guys, but the only thing I don’t like about summer are all the insects that come out—the warmer it gets, it can be like your own personal horror movie with spider webs everywhere, ants, etc. In terms of the kitchen area, I’ve had some annoying fruit flies buzzing around. I’m not scared of them obviously, but the idea of them sitting around on my fresh fruits and vegetables is not at all appetizing. Luckily, I just read about a genius trick to get rid of them on the website Aimless Direction, and it really works! All you do is put ½ inch of apple cider vinegar in a small glass, plus two drops of dish soap and swirl it around. Set the glass on your kitchen counter and check it at the end of the day and voila—a bit gross, but 100% effective!

I used this vinegar, but any brand will do.

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