Friday, October 11, 2013

The SLO Life and Free Beer

Happy Friday!! What do you have on tap for this weekend? I've had a busy week, which is a very good thing considering I am now flying solo with the hodge-podge of freelance work that I talked about here. One week down and so far, so good! Tomorrow, I'm driving up to Santa Clara to attend the engagement party for two of my very good friends. I'm looking forward to being one of the bride's "non- bridesmaids" leading up to the wedding -- they want to keep things simple and are going to skip the big wedding party thing, just like Stuart and I did!

I have to take this opportunity to catch you up on my life in San Luis Obispo (or SLO, as everyone here calls it). We've had quite the Indian summer going on this month, with weather typically around 80 degrees. That means I've had the opportunity for multiple pool days, such as in the photo below.

Stuart and I also went and studied/worked one afternoon at this Avila Beach coffee shop, Joe Mama's. It has the most amazing ocean views right out the window! Can you believe it? What a peaceful view to look up to from your laptop.

Finally, last Friday night we were walking downtown to have dinner and ran across this random free-beer truck run by Central Coast Brewing!! Check out that sign they threw together in the front window. The truck has beer taps built onto the outside of the truck, and we just walked up and they filled a glass (or two) for us. So we stood around on the sidewalk and drank free beer, along with the rest of the small crowd the truck drew.

 Thank you Central Coast Brewing! What a beautiful, wacky, amazing town this is.

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